This year sees the return of Subbuteo – the table football game. A firm favourite with generations of boys, that has lately become a game mainly for enthusiasts. Among some, this hobby has elevated to a sport; with grown-ups playing organised
tournaments, that even require the presence of referees. In 1998 Hasbro stopped production of the game.
Subbuteo as a brand never disappeared completely, final batches were sold for few years at Toys R Us stores, Marks & Spencer released an edition in retro packaging and the name appeared on a football card game; which many would say was a complete travesty to the name of the most popular game of its type.
When Subbuteo (as we know it) was no longer dstributed to Italy, toy firm Edilio Parodi released a brand called Zeguo and have been making new table footballers, pitches and accessories ever-since.
The new official version promises more detailed figures that are flexible and players which are made of stronger stuff (broken players were often a common problem with the game). An improved pitch makes the action faster and should help greater flicking accuracy.
A range of fully licensed Premier League teams will be available and accessories at launch include: packs of three footballs, pitches, fencing, match referees (including, for the first time, a forth official) and goal posts.
Subbuteo Team Edition and more will be available from from 5th March 2012.
At £39.99, Subbuteo Team Edition features the following:
- 20 players and 2 Goalkeepers
- 2 Goals
- 1 pitch
- 1 Subbuteo Ball
- Rules
The new official range of Subbuteo merchandise is distributed by Paul Lamond Games